The Blog builder was born on one of small city in East java, Indonesia, called Magetan. In 2005, he was complete his studi from diploma degree in ITS Surabaya majoring in Mechanical Engineering, and continued it to Bachelor’s Degree accomplished in 2008.

This Blog was build to share his knowledge, experience , story , sharing information with another blogger around the world about anything as long as it has a good substance.

So , Enjoy my Blog and Thank You Friends !

(jadi kaya daftar Riwayat Hidup..hehehe..)

Satu Tanggapan to “About Me”

  1. garini Says:

    halo, mau nanya ya.. hehe. tau prinsip & cara kerjanya Archimedes screw gak?? kl ga tau juga gpp. makasih. maaf ya nimbrung2 nanya disini.

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